Although the eight dating rules identified here may seem obvious many are unprepared in this new era of online dating. Many connections are made through web sites so there can be a tendency to be over relaxed on a date particularly if you have just started dating or you are dating again after a long time. With online dating a certain level of relationship has already formed through interaction online or a mobile phone, so being unprepared is easy to understand.
The dating rules can be followed to keep yourself safe and also make sure the date goes smoothly, allowing for a relationship to build if there is a connection found. It’s easy to make basic mistakes on a first date and unfortunately even if you didn’t mean to make one and it was a real one off you are being measured and judged on your behaviours and conversation in those initial meetings. Mistakes must be eliminated but you also need to express yourself, flirt a little or no one will truly know you.
If it is a first date it is a must that it takes place in a
public place, this is the number one dating rule. Never be tempted to meet someone for the first time in private.
This is relevant to either sex. Choose somewhere you can talk and chat to get
to know each other and not be distracted by too much activity. Coffee shops
are probably the number one place that fits the description. Dating for free doesn't exist so coffee shops are a great low cost option.
Talk to your date and come to an agreement between yourselves where you will both feel comfortable. If you live a long distance apart it’s advisable to try to meet somewhere halfway between you both. It’s best if you both meet in a new location both of you so you feel the same about. If you visit a location you are not used to but they are, then the balance of the date will be unfair.
Mr And Miss Interview
Dating is all about human connection not applying for a job. Be yourself, a natural person comes across as a sincere one. Try to remember you are not the director of the human resource department, you are actually looking for the dating chat to flow and connect without forcing it. What is important to remember is this is not a win lose situation if it’s not right then it’s simply not right.
Profile Perception
This can be a tricky subject, you should expect that the general overall dating site profile is pretty spot on, if they say they are single, they are actually single, a pretty big expectation of truth! However when writing dating profiles people do have a tendency to exaggerate, many do so subconsciously, so some lenience may be required, however if they say they are six foot tall and only five foot when they turn up you could have a dating diva on your hands.
It's All About Me
When in conversation it’s important to remember that some will be over roared if you go into oversell on yourself. This can be a major switch off for many individuals. If you truly are a people person and want to connect then you should be talking about your new date. Talking about you when asked a question about you is great but talking about yourself for talking about yourself sake is a major switch off and not a positive dating experience.
Mobile Madness
So there you are on a first date and your new date gets a phone call, fifteen minutes later you are sitting at the table filing your nails or checking the football results. Think about it, this is a major dating rules do not do. If you really do need to take a call make it brief and if you want to make your date feel important, state on the phone you have to go because you are in the middle of a very important meeting with someone.
Lets Talk Ex's
It’s almost like a default at times for some. The conversation dries up a little and instead of waiting for the natural movement to a new topic in the conversation, the talk reverts to old love matches. This is a major turn off for many in the longer term once a relationship exists it’s possible to discuss some of the details of a previous relationship, this is because your partner now knows you and understands you better so can put any stories about your ex’s wonder blunders into perspective.
The Narcissist
Similar to the oversell however the intent is different. Narcissists
will literally talk about themselves and when they have stopped talking about
themselves they will talk about themselves again. The amount of stress put on
how important they are will be overwhelming. Don’t fall into the trap of making
yourself sound like you are the most important thing in the world, it is true
to say that you are, but only to yourself! It takes time to become the most
important person in someone else’s life.
High on the priority of dating rules, be cautious on how much specific details you share until a number of dates have happened and you feel a real trust and connection forming. It’s obviously necessary to talk about things, but keep it general especially on the first date, don’t share bank details, home address or place of work. If someone is pressing you for these details you really need to consider why.
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