Create a great Dating profile!
with our online dating advice
what to say to attract the one you want

Online dating advice

Online dating advice dealing with dating profiles. They can stump many on the first attempt. The easiest way to start to understand what you need to do when creating dating profiles is to think of it from the profile reader’s point of view. What would you want to know from reading an online dating profile? What will make you feel comfortable that you have enough detail to make an initial decision on whether the potential date is compatible with you?

Once we understand those two questions we need to change our mentality to opposite thinking so you start to write dating profiles from the other person's perspective. Write a list of what you would want to know about yourself.  Doing this process creates a list of all your own positive points and you are half way to creating a great dating profile. Once you have your list of positives and basic information about yourself you can look to break the information up into three primary sections as shown in the diagram below.

Online Dating Advice: Dating Profile fundamentals

Dating profile fundamentals

Profile Pictures

When it comes to profile pictures  the best online dating advice we could give is to get the picture perfect. Instead of just uploading a picture that is readily available take one specifically for your profile. When setting up for a picture you need to look your best. The important thing to get right is the head and eye position. Looking up gives an appearance of submissiveness, looking down looks dominant, looking straight ahead at the camera looks assertive. The friendliest head and eye posture is a slight head tilt this gives a much friendlier look. Ultimately it will be up to you, try taking a picture with each type of look and see what suits you.

Profile Character Traits

This is where you should consider what personality traits you would want to see in a profile, list your own personality traits and then weave them in to a short sentence that is approximately fifty words long. Make it positive and factual but fun, your personality sentence should portray what you like, what you are like, and your general outlook on life. It's important to keep in mind that if you over exaggerate any part of your profile you are ultimately setting yourself up for mistakes, which can frustrate both you and your potential match and stop you from meeting those that you are most compatible with.

Profile Beliefs And Morals

Sounds a little deep however people do actually want to have a brief understanding of your views, habits and values on life. So again make a list of the important things in your life. What is your favourite habit? This can add a little fun to the profile and show you have the ability to not take yourself too seriously when needed. Try to keep it reasonably general and approximately fifty words long. Once you have both the character and belief paragraphs ready combine them together, if needed mix the sentences from both sections together, if not just combine both paragraphs. This will give you a dating profile of approximately one hundred words, this length has been identified as the optimum length that has the most impact. You only have a brief moment to catch attention so keep it factual but exciting and maybe flirt just a little.

 The Best Online Dating Advice - Dating Profiles Should Be Positive And Honest.

Online Dating Advice
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