Our best twenty two quotes of love
from famous people about
love in all its forms

The best quotes of love

Using the best quotes of love can help break the ice in that flirty moment or first date.We seem to have an innate interest in how others have expressed there opinion in all things love, especially those that hold some form of prominence over us. As humans we like to feel part of something and feel secure when we have those that can lead us from time to time. Romantic quotes of love can help us connect back to our hearts which we all need to do to keep us smiling in our game of love we play out in our lives. It seems that these individuals found an ability to express love in a way others struggle to find, The best quotes of love have an ability to talk to our emotions directly and make us ponder our own feelings in all things love. Or is it that we just like to read a good old philosophical quote of love to motivate us.

Our Best Quotes Of Love

You will find as you look back upon your life that the moment when you really lived
are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love.
Henry Drummond

The magic of first love is
our Ignorance that it can ever end.
Benjamin Disraeli

Without a sense of urgency desire has no value.
Jim Rohn

If thou must love me let it be
for nothing except for love's sake.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Love itself is what is left
when being in love has burned away.
Louis de Berniere

Love is by far the most important thing of all.
Brian Tracy

To love and win is the best thing,
to love and lose the next best.
William Thackeray

Love is patient and kind love is not jealous or boastful it is not arrogant or rude.
Love does not insist on its own way it is not irritable or resentful
It does not rejoice at wrong but rejoices in the right
Love bares all things believes all things hopes all things endures all things.
 Bible: I Corinthians

How do I love thee, let me count the ways,
i love thee to the depth and breadth
and height my soul can reach.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Love is the anterior of life the posterior to death
the initial of creation and the exponent of breath.
Emily Dickinson

There are two great days in a person's life
the day we are born and the day we discover why.
William Barclay

Experience shows us that love does not consist
in gazing at each other,
but in looking in the same direction.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

There are two ways of spreading light,
to be the candle,or the mirror that reflects it.
Edith Wharton

In her first passion woman loves her
lover In all the others all she loves is love.
Lord Byron

To be happy with a man you must understand him a lot and love him a
little. To be happy with a woman you must love her a lot and not try to
understand her at all.
Helen Rowland

Love is a game two can play and both win.
Eva Gabor

You must not force sex to do the work of love or
love to do the work of sex.
Mary McCarthy

No one has ever measured
even the poets how much love a heart can hold.
Zelda Fitzgerald

He kissed me and now I am someone else.
Gabriela Mistral

In true love the smallest distance is too great
and the greatest distance bridgeable.
Hans Nowhens

Never close your lips
to those to whom you have opened your heart.
Charles Dickens

Is this the true measure of Love When we believe we alone can love
That no one could ever have loved so before us
And no one will ever love in the same way after us
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Quotes Of love
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